260 research outputs found

    Electron Beam Diagnostic at the ELBE Free Electron Laser

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    Brittle porous material mesovolume structure models and simulation of their mechanical properties

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    To study the mechanical response of brittle porous materials at mesoscale, porous samples were generated and their deformation was numerically modelled. Two types of pore space morphology such as overlapping spherical pores and overlapping spherical solids were explicitly considered. For deformation modelling, an evolutionary approach including the nonlinear constitutive equations used to describe damage accumulation and its impact on the degradation of the solid frame strength properties was applied. The numerical results have shown that an average stress-strain diagram is sensitive to pore morphology as well as porosity

    Особенности влияния условий роста на структурные и оптические свойства пленок Zn0.9Cd0.1O

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    The influence of the magnetron power and the gas ratio Ar/O2 on the microstructure and the optical properties of Zn0.9Cd0.1O films is studied. The films were deposited with the use of the dc magnetron sputtering technique at a temperature of 250 ◦C. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) researches of a surface morphology demonstrated a strong influence of deposition procedure parameters on the film microstructure. The XRD analysis revealed that all grown films were polycrystalline and single-phase. The increase of the gas ratio Ar/O2 was found to be beneficial for the crystalline structure of Zn0.9Cd0.1O ternary alloys. Peculiarities of the control over the band gap and the surface morphology for Zn0.9Cd0.1O ternary alloys by varying the growth parameters are discussed.Дослiджено вплив потужностi магнетрона i спiввiдношення тискiв робочих газiв Ar/O2 на мiкроструктуру та оптичнi властивостi плiвок Zn0.9Cd0.1O. Плiвки осаджено методом магнетронного розпилювання на постiйному струмi при температурi пiдкладки 250 C. Дослiдження морфологiї поверхнi, здійснені за допомогою атомно-силової мiкроскопiї (АСМ), i рентгено-фазовий аналiз (РФА) виявили сильний вплив технологічних параметрiв осадження на мiкроструктуру плiвок. РФА аналiз показав, що всi вирощенi плiвки є полiкристалiчними i однофазними. Встановлено, що зростання парцiального тиску аргону в газовiй сумiшi Ar/O2 сприятливо впливає на кристалічну структуру твердих розчинiв Zn0.9Cd0.1O. Обговорено особливостi контролю ширини забороненої зони та морфологiї поверхнi твердих розчинiв Zn0.9Cd0.1O шляхом змiни параметрiв вирощування.В работе исследовано влияние мощности магнетрона и соотношения давлений рабочих газов Ar/O2 на микроструктуру и оптические свойства пленок Zn0.9Cd0.1O. Пленки осаждены методом магнетронного распыления на постоянном токе при температуре подложки 250 C. Исследования морфологии поверхности, проведенные с помощью атомно-силовой микроскопии (АСМ), и рентгенофазовый анализ (РФА) выявили сильное влияние технологических параметров роста на микроструктуру пленок. РФА анализ показал, что все выращенные пленки являются поликристаллическими и однофазными. Было установлено, что рост парциального давления аргона в газовой смеси Ar/O2 благоприятно влияет на кристаллическую структуру твердых растворов Zn0;9Cd0;1O. Обсуждены особенности контроля ширины запрещенной зоны и морфологи поверхности твердых растворов Zn0;9Cd0;1O путем изменения параметров осаждени

    Transmission of High-Power Electron Beams Through Small Apertures

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    Tests were performed to pass a 100 MeV, 430 kWatt c.w. electron beam from the energy-recovery linac at the Jefferson Laboratory's FEL facility through a set of small apertures in a 127 mm long aluminum block. Beam transmission losses of 3 p.p.m. through a 2 mm diameter aperture were maintained during a 7 hour continuous run.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1305.019

    Differential sensitivity of membrane-associated pyrophosphatases to inhibition by diphosphonates and fluoride delineates two classes of enzyme

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    Abstract1,1-Diphosphonate analogs of pyrophosphate, containing an amino or a hydroxyl group on the bridge carbon atom, are potent inhibitors of the H+-translocating pyrophosphatases of chromatophores prepared from the bacterium Rhodospirillum rubrum and vacuolar membrane vesicles prepared from the plant Vigna radiata. The inhibition constant for aminomethylenediphosphonate, which binds competitively with respect to substrate, is below 2 μM. Rat liver mitochondrial pyrophosphatase is two orders of magnitude less sensitive to this compound but extremely sensitive to imidodiphosphate. By contrast, fluoride is highly effective only against the mitochondrial pyrophosphatase. It is concluded that the mitochondrial pyrophosphatase and the H+-pyrophosphatases of chromatophores and vacuolar membranes belong to two different classes of enzyme

    Measured Radiation and Background Levels During Transmission of Megawatt Electron Beams Through Millimeter Apertures

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    We report measurements of photon and neutron radiation levels observed while transmitting a 0.43 MW electron beam through millimeter-sized apertures and during beam-off, but accelerating gradient RF-on, operation. These measurements were conducted at the Free-Electron Laser (FEL) facility of the Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory (JLab) using a 100 MeV electron beam from an energy-recovery linear accelerator. The beam was directed successively through 6 mm, 4 mm, and 2 mm diameter apertures of length 127 mm in aluminum at a maximum current of 4.3 mA (430 kW beam power). This study was conducted to characterize radiation levels for experiments that need to operate in this environment, such as the proposed DarkLight Experiment. We find that sustained transmission of a 430 kW continuous-wave (CW) beam through a 2 mm aperture is feasible with manageable beam-related backgrounds. We also find that during beam-off, RF-on operation, multipactoring inside the niobium cavities of the accelerator cryomodules is the primary source of ambient radiation when the machine is tuned for 130 MeV operation.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section

    Advances on ELIC Design Studies

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    An electron-ion collider of a center-of-mass energy up to 90 GeV at luminosity up to 1035 cm-2s-1 with both beams highly polarized is essential for exploring the new QCD frontier of strong color fields in nuclear and precisely imaging the sea-quarks and gluons in the nucleon. A conceptual design of a ring-ring collider based on CEBAF (ELIC) with energies up to 9 GeV for electrons/positrons and up to 225 GeV for protons and 100 GeV/u for ions has been proposed to fulfill the science desire and to serve as the next step for CEBAF after the planned 12 GeV energy upgrade of the fixed target program. Here, we summarize recent design progress for the ELIC complex with four interaction points (IP); including interaction region optics with chromatic aberration compensation scheme and complete lattices for the Figure-8 collider rings. Further optimization of crab crossing angles at the IPs, simulations of beam-beam interactions and electron polarization in the Figure-8 ring and its matching at the IPs are also discussed

    Multi-component measurements of the Jefferson Lab energy recovery linac electron beam using optical transition and diffraction radiation

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    High brightness electron accelerators, such as energy recovery linacs (ERL), often have complex particle distributions that can create difficulties in beam transport as well as matching to devices such as wigglers used to generate radiation from the beam. Optical transition radiation (OTR), OTR interferometry (OTRI) and optical diffraction-transition radiation interferometry (ODTRI) have proven to be effective tools for diagnosing both the spatial and angular distributions of charged particle beams. OTRI and ODTRI have been used to measure rms divergences and optical transverse phase space mapping has been demonstrated using OTRI. In this work we present the results of diagnostic experiments using OTR and ODR conducted at the Jefferson Laboratory 115 MeV ERL which show the presence of two separate components within the spatial and angular distributions of the beam. By assuming a correlation between the spatial and angular features we estimate an rms emittance value for each of the two components.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in PRSTAB; minor formatting errors correcte